Which My Little Pony are you?

This is a quiz to find out What My Little Pony you are and which personality is closest to yours! It is a Fun and Awesome quiz and It's not about MATH!!! Have FUN!!!

Do YOU want to find out which My Little Pony you are? Do You want to see which personality is closest to yours? Well.... Do this quiz and find out! it's also fun to do!

Created by: Tiana (Rainbow Dash)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which My Little Pony do you like more?
  2. Which one do you like more?
  3. What is you favourite colour?
  4. What is your talent?
  5. Do you love a good adventure?
  6. Are you a bit shy?
  7. Are you a Clean Queen?
  8. Are you your own role model?
  9. Do you stand out amongst your friends?
  10. Do you always help your friends out?

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Quiz topic: Which My Little Pony am I?