Which MW2 character are you?

I was motivated to create this poll because it was my birthday recently and i got MW3! I had a lot of fun playing it and i remembered every thing that happened. So i wanted to test everyone else's memory skills!

Do you have the memory skills like me? If so, this quiz is perfect for you! i spent a lot of time making this sooo yeah NO HATE PLEASE!!!!!!! I HAVE A HEART TOO

Created by: Dr_Dino
  1. You are trying to save the president, and the helicopters leaving, and there is not enough room for everyone to get in, and the whole place is falling down. What do you do?
  2. You are trying to kill makarov, how?
  3. You have killed makarov, but how?
  4. Your trying to find the presidents Daughter, What do you do? ( the following does not effect on Price,Soap,Yuri)
  5. whats your favorite color? ( does not effect your results......i lied )
  6. whos your favorite MW3 character?
  7. If you drove a vehicle, what would it be?
  8. Which would you be apart of?
  9. Which would or prefer?
  10. Would you like it if i made more quizzes like this? ( also its MW3 not MW2 sorry! )

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Quiz topic: Which MW2 character am I?