Which MTV Skins Character Are You?

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Which character are you from MTV's adaption of the British series Skins? Tony, Michelle, Chris, Daisy, Stanley, Cadie, Abbud, Tea, or Eura? Hope you enjoy.

This quiz was NOT made for haters. Skins UK is a brilliant show which I absolutely love, but I'm also a fan of Skins US. Always keep an open mind! :)

Created by: Laura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's a Friday night, what you most likely doing?
  2. What are you normally doing during school lunch break?
  3. Pick one positive word to describe yourself as.
  4. Pick one negative word to describe yourself as.
  5. If you were to die today, what would your biggest regret be?
  6. Which quote are you most likely to say?
  7. What's your favourite thing to do at a crazy party?
  8. What type of mood are you usually in?
  9. What kind of food do you like to eat?
  10. What's your sense of fashion like?

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Quiz topic: Which MTV Skins Character am I?