Which mtg plainswalker are you

Lol idk I just made this because I love mtg. And I bet you are here because you love mtg, too. So let's do a quiz.

The purpose of this quiz is to determine which plainswalker you are. Answer each question carefully for the most accurate result!

Created by: Siena
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you spend most of your time?
  2. What's yor favorite mana color?
  3. Choose your weapon!
  4. Your hair color?
  5. Who is your least favorite plainswalker.
  6. Your favorite animal.
  7. What's the best power?
  8. What's your favorite part of mtg?
  9. What's your favorite plainswalker?
  10. Choose

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Quiz topic: Which mtg plainswalker am I