Which Mortal Kombat Kharacter Are You?



Created by: Aspen j. poland
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you good or evil?
  2. Do you work for Shang Tsung?
  3. Will you win Mortal Kombat?
  4. 1st rule of Mortal Kombat...
  5. Kill...
  6. Best KAK is.
  7. Say you work for the good side and the dark side says "Come to are side we have ice cream." What do you say?
  8. Is this your last question?
  9. Is THIS your last question?
  10. How about now?
  11. How about now!!!(I ran out of questions)?

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Quiz topic: Which Mortal Kombat Kharacter am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Fighting Quiz category.