which monster do you turn into

which monster do you turn into? do you want to find out? take this quiz to see if your a Werewolf, Shapeshifter, Monster X, or Shapewolf X. See which monster you turn into!

are you witty? are you strong? are you kind? or are you fast? find out and take the quiz. hope you like, love, or apreciate monsters. finuizd out by taking the q

Created by: jacob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. do you like animalls with
  3. do you like
  4. which doyou like to eat
  5. do you want to be
  6. which do you despise
  7. what are your hunting patterns
  8. when do you hunt
  9. what do you hunt
  10. what is your faorite action

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Quiz topic: Which monster do I turn into