What Monster Are You?

PLEASE TAKE THIS QUIZ PLEASE TAKE THIS QUIZ There are some people who love to watch horror movies and see the creatures that come to life . Have you ever wondered...

What monster you are and what your weaknesses are? Well you're in the right place , well sorta. The results would either be a zombie, werewolf, or vampire. (I might make another quiz with different monsters). Thnx thnx take the quiz take the quiz.

Created by: araminta

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite drink out of these?
  2. What is your hobby?
  3. What is your Favorite human body related thing?
  4. What's Your favorite color?
  5. Hair Color?
  6. What do you find attractive:
  7. Favorite music :
  8. What do you find repulsive if you were a monster?
  9. Which movie do you like oout of all of these:
  10. What name appeals you?

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Quiz topic: What Monster am I?