Which miraculous superhero are you?

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Hey guys! Have you ever wondered what superhero you are? Well, I have! This quiz will tell you which hero you would be, whether that's Fei from the shanghai special, or ladybug herself!

Yes, I am aware that queen bee and Vesperia are not on this quiz, and I apologize. Well anyway, if you have not seen the last episode of season 4, hawkmoth's final attack, there may be some spoilers in the 6th question so take care. Enjoy!

Created by: Miraculous Lover
  1. What's your favorite color combo?
  2. how would you describe your personality?
  3. What's your favorite animal?
  4. What's your favorite bug/ reptile/bird?
  5. Which costume do you like the most?
  6. which episode do you prefer?
  7. would you like to see Rena rouge get an ice powerup? (Opinion question not for score)
  8. do you like the shanghai or the new york special more? (opinion question not for score)
  9. if you were ladybug, how fast would you tell cat noir your identity?
  10. which of the following costumes do you like more? (not for score)
  11. which of the following do you like more?

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Quiz topic: Which miraculous superhero am I?
