Which Minecraft Realm Suites you?

My first Quiz, so I hope you like it. It will determine what Minecraft realm is most YOU. It was fun to make So I hope you enjoy it! Also, expect errors.

This is up to version 1.15.2, so it may eventually be outdated. Sorry! But, I think it is still cool. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Minecraft Quiz Maker
  1. Which ability would you want to have?
  2. Favorite Mob?
  3. Which color would you dye your leather armor?
  4. Favorite type of biome?
  5. Adventurer level?
  6. Favorite Realm?
  7. Favorite element?
  8. How brave are you?
  9. How Minecraft smart are you?
  10. What is your favorite part?

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