Which minecraft mob are you?

I. Really. Hate. Doing. This. Part. Of. The. Quiz. Do you understand me when I say this? This part is clearly not needed.

Dont. You. I am really awesome :) Hate. The. Description. Part. Of. Quizes. Take this amazing quiz to find which minecraft mob you are most like!

Created by: Harrypotterfan7TDMrocks
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You walk into world. What do you do?
  2. You see the sun coming up. What do you do?
  3. Do you eat grass?
  4. Do you love death?
  5. Do you play and live minecraft?
  6. What kind of game is minecraft?
  7. Is this question 9?
  8. Is minecraft fun?
  9. Do you live in USA or UK or some place other
  10. Is this the last question?

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Quiz topic: Which minecraft mob am I?