Which Mindless Behavior Boy Is Going to Date You

This quiz is doing to be about which mindless behavior boy will marry you when you turn 21 years old ray ray prodigy princeton or roc royal you'll just have to see.

Are mindless behavior will just have to take the quiz and find out which mindless behavior boy will marry you st the age of 21 ray ray princeton prodigy or roc royal take this quiz and within 5 or 3 minutes well find out?

Created by: tionna
  1. What is your personality?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. What's your favorite accessory?
  4. How mindless are you?
  5. Who's your favorite?
  6. What's your type of date?
  7. What's your favorite song?
  8. What's your favorite fruit?
  9. Who do you think your going to get?
  10. What do you see in a boy?

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