Which Mindcracker is you love?

Why must I write this for every video. In the 1 in a millionth chance you read this you wont care. Regardless of what I say about the quiz you will still do it.

Why must I write this fo every video. In te 1 in a millionth chance you read this you wont care. Regardles of what I say about the quiz you will till do it.

Created by: CuteCat2
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which do you prefer?
  2. How many flowers would you put in the garden?
  3. You make a new build what is it.
  4. On a scale 1 to 6 the higher the number the bigger the creation.
  5. Favourite minecraft resource?
  6. This doesn't effect it. But favourite shipping
  7. Fanboy or Fangirl
  8. DO you want Captian Sparklez as a Mindcracker
  9. Do watch Dwarvez Vs Zombies
  10. Last One. Are you good at redstone?

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