Which Middle-Earth Race do you Most Resemble? | Comments

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  • Ents 93%

    You most resemble the Ents, the Shepherds of the Trees. The Ents are a peaceful people, wise, and slow to anger. They take things slooooooowly, so they can have time to appreciate the little things around them. As Shepherds of the Trees, they are extremely close to nature. They are old, and have names as long as their lives. They are simple-minded, but very wise. However, they may be seen as unconcerned about things that do not directly involve them. But although slow to anger, they can be extremely powerful and dangerous if roused.

    86% Hobbits
    65% Elves
    55% Men
    38% Dwarves
    Outstanding quiz!!! <3

  • This is the best Lord of the Rings I've seen so far! I agree... it's very obvious that you put a lot of un-biased work into this, and it was a LOT of fun to take! I'm bookmarking this and showing all my friends!!

  • I got ents. This is an extremely good quiz.

  • I got elf! It’s a very nice and thoughtful quiz:)

  • i think you have put a lot of hard work into this. Well done! me likee!


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