Which MHA character are you?

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Welcome to the MHA quiz! This quiz will test you on your personality to effect which MHA character you are. Are you ready? Take the quiz and comment on who you get!

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Created by: TheMHAGirl
  1. What do you do in the face of danger?
  2. What do you do under a lot of pressure?
  3. Do you get along with people you are not too fond about
  4. Say your up against Toga, what is your first reaction?
  5. When you see someone stealing someone’s delicate item, what do you do?
  6. If you had anything to hide, what would it be?
  7. What would your Quirk be?
  8. What is your mood? Do you have mood swings, or do you have a calm, easy temper that changes slowly?
  9. What would your friends describe you as?
  10. Who do you think you will get?

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Quiz topic: Which MHA character am I?

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