which MHA boy likes you?

in this quiz you can find out who your boyfriend would be in the world of My Hero Academia.I hope you will like it! This is my first quiz, so you might not like it. you can rate it at the end.

there will be ten questions. i think they are easy to answer and not offensive or anything. thank you for trying this quiz! have fun, I hope you get the results you want!

Created by: Icy-hot
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. who do you hate?
  3. which of these is your favorite food?
  4. what type of person are you?
  5. what do you do when the boy you like kisses another girl?
  6. what kind of movies do you like?
  7. favorite animal
  8. who do you want to get? (not included in the result)
  9. what kind of music do you like?
  10. Rate this quiz(not included in the result)

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