Which MHA boy are most likely to hook up with?

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So, mostly why I wanted to do this quiz is, I write fanfiction. I come up with a lot of different scenarios. I thought that maybe it would make a good quiz so here we are.

The questions took me a while to come up with. I hope you like this quiz. It took me about a week to make this. Thank you for giving me a shot! Good luck!

Created by: Alex_Is_Weird
  1. Who's throwing the party?
  2. Who's your platonic wife?
  3. Who's your platonic husband?
  4. What is your style?
  5. What is closest to your personality?
  6. How much do you drink?
  7. What do you mostly do at parties?
  8. Who do you like?
  9. Who do you want to get? (Don't worry, this doesn't affect your score)
  10. Ready for your results?

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