Which member of the krew are you?

Do you like the krew well let’s see what member you are!ififdjdjcjcjcjccjcjcjcjcjxjxjxjxxjxjxjxjxjdjcjdcjcjvjcjcjccjcjcjcjcjcjddjdefgDhhdgfuugogfdhuggoefaadhghfuhhohh


Created by: Nanawolfgurl
  1. What’s your favorite color
  2. Do you like robux?
  3. When it comes to simulators or any competition game really what place do you come in?
  4. Do you like draco?
  5. Is your hair blue?
  6. Do you like dog treats?
  7. Are you competitive
  8. Do you LIKE the krew?
  9. Jdkd
  10. Fndjdj

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Quiz topic: Which member of the krew am I?

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