Which member of the dream smp are you?

Have you ever wondered which member of the dream smp you most resemble? Well now you can find out! By answering just a couple of short and simple questions about yourself you can find out who you most resemble.

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Created by: Nicole
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. What is the correct name?
  3. What would your friends describe you as?
  4. You have to pick one
  5. Who are you in your friend group
  6. Who do you think you most resemble? (doesn't change your answer)
  7. What Hogwarts house are you in?
  8. If you could add one these into Minecraft which one would it be?
  9. What is your favourite friendly mob?
  10. What is your favourite unfriendly mob?
  11. Favourite tool?
  12. Best food to have in minecraft?
  13. Final question, are you happy? :)

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Quiz topic: Which member of the dream smp am I?
