Which Member of the A.R.M.P.I.T Platoon Are You?

Which member of the A.R.M.P.I.T platoon are you? Weapons expert,Giroro,lazy commander,Keroro, crazy inventor,Kululu,or peaceful ninja,Dororo?

Are YOU worthy of joining the A.R.M.P.I.T platoon? Sent from Keron of the Gamma Nebula,to conquer Earth or as they call it Pekopon

Created by: Girorofan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do during your spare time?
  2. Natsumi is captured by meronians what do you do?
  3. Dororo falls off a cliff what do you do?
  4. Keroro gets blown up what do you say?
  5. What's your favorite song?
  6. Which Peko-ponian is your favorite?
  7. What do ya wanna be
  8. what is your favorite genre
  9. What is your favorite type of pet?
  10. What type of war wouid you want the Keronian V.S. Peko-ponian War to be?
  11. It's your last question,what is your response?

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Quiz topic: Which Member of the A.R.M.P.I.T Platoon am I?