Which Meebling are you? (Meeblings 1)

There is a game that is circulating the web called Meeblings, created (I think!) by Ninja Kiwi. It is an extremely fun game, and I suggest that you go and play it. It is available on more then several websites, I am sure. The point of the game is to get as many of the Meeblings as you can home. To do this you must use the Meeblings abilities (the orange ones, Feeblings, can't do anything).
In this quiz, you can find out which Meebling from Meeblings 1 you are (there is also the sequel to Meeblings 1, Meeblings 2, which is also a lot of fun, with the new additions of Homeling and Chameebling). You can be Hereling, Thereling, Sizzling, Gravling, Zapling, or Treebling (no Feebling; they're so boring!).