Which Matsuno Brother Are you?

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This about fun and this is also my first quiz, I hope you enjoy. It not about accuracy but mostly about fun and games. So don’t say “That isn’t me” but I can’t stop you :/

I wish you luck on any character you’d like to have! Good luck and enjoy the quiz. This won’t be accurate to your personality but it made for fun and games

Created by: Rosemary R.M. of YouTube Channel
(your link here more info)
  1. What is main personality
  2. What do you like most?
  3. What number do you prefer?
  4. Who is better?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What is your favorite ship?
  7. Thanks for taking this quiz! :D (no effect
  8. I need 10 questions don’t answer these
  9. I need 10 questions don’t answer these
  10. i need 10 questions don’t answer these

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Quiz topic: Which Matsuno Brother am I?
