Which marvel Character Are You v2

find out what marvel comic character you are!your answer shall be chosen by a computer,good luck!and yay for paragraph filler.yeah,Its awesome.VERY awesome,right?

are you Venom?Spider-Man?who knows,take the quiz and find out :Dyay for twice as much paragraph filler,isnt is awesome? :D yup,definatly awesome.still awesome.

Created by: Slash

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You find money on the ground,what do you do?
  2. You have just been trained in the art of ninja,what do you do?
  3. an old enemy find you,what do you do?
  4. you are chosen to be in a special team,what do you do?
  5. How Was Your Past
  6. you find out that you have been replaced by a lower version of yourself,what can you do?
  7. this question doesnt count,how do you respond?
  8. you get super powers,what do you do?
  9. A puppy is in danger,what do you do?
  10. last question,are you overjoyed?

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Quiz topic: Which marvel Character am I v2