which marriage will you do?

are you a genius? lets find out your that personality also by taking this short quiz of only 10 ques. hope u will score 100% share this quiz to your friends to win a LED, a IOS etc.

are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify this great quiz? But if you have a mind, so you will find out answers in a few seconds! thanking you.

Created by: shubhangee
  1. your eyes color is-
  2. what type of your hair are?
  3. you live in India or not?
  4. u love any or not
  5. you are married or not?
  6. you love your parents?
  7. do you had survived from any calamity {natural}
  8. which calamity you survived?

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Quiz topic: Which marriage will I do?