Which Map Projection are you?

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Map projections are pretty cool right but have you ever wanted to be one (whaaaat?) Yeah you can be one now with this cool quiz where you can answer the answers.

Using Cool Answerâ„¢ technology we can tell exactly what map projection you are and what your grandma's address is (yaaay!) If you get the super fun fun cool epic hip rad cool woah :0000 B) super cool wacky fun secret answer you win a shelf (WHAAAT NO WAY!!!!) Yes way, Helen. You can win a free cool shelf for your shelf room (offer only applicable in Yugoslavia and expires on July 28, 1914)

Created by: Al Gore
  1. Do you eat at Denny's?
  2. k
  3. Meemaw or Pop Pop
  4. Which is your favorite sodie pop brand?
  5. Do you worship the former 45th Vice President, Al Gore
  6. Are you Whoopi Goldberg?
  7. Chevrolet
  8. You are eating a ham and swiss sandwich, what do you do
  9. What is your favorite color
  10. Are you
  11. a
  12. Do you do you when you do the do
  13. did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Which Map Projection am I?
