Which Mama's Family Character are you?

Have you ever watched Mama's Family? And have you ever wondered what character you was? If you answer yes to any of those questions this is the quiz for you.

There has been laughs there has been tears but there is one thing that is special....the characters. There is the main character that never seised to make us laugh, Mama. Then there's the neighbor that everyone wanted to have Iola. The the dimwited Vinton. Then the slut as Mama called her, Naomi. Then lastly the raging hormonal teen, Bubba. So enjoy this quiz

Created by: Chandler Bumgarner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you respond to this? I was on my my way when a car darted in front of me.
  2. If someone was sick what would you do?
  3. What's your plans at night?
  4. Who do you live with?
  5. Out of the following what is your greeting?
  6. What's your favorite music genre?
  7. Who is your role model?
  8. How many children do you have?
  9. How would people describe you?
  10. Final Question: Finish the statement: I have 25 dollars and I'm going to....

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Quiz topic: Which Mama's Family Character am I?