Which main Harry Potter character are you?

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Are you a Harry Potter fan? Do you ever wonder whether you're most like Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, or Harry Potter himself? If so, this quiz is right for you.

Just answer each of the 10 questions honestly, because all three characters are amazing in their own ways. This is not a graded test. There's no wrong answer or result. So, dive deep into your soul to answer the questions and have fun finding our your result?

Created by: leopard
  1. What were/are your grades like in school?
  2. Do you have trouble making new friends?
  3. Besides Gryffindor, which Hogwarts house do you think you would fit in best?
  4. Which of these Hogwarts teachers is your favorite?
  5. What's your best trait?
  6. What's your favorite part of Hogwarts?
  7. What would you rather do?
  8. Which animal is your favorite?
  9. What's a flaw you have?
  10. How do you approach problems?

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Quiz topic: Which main Harry Potter character am I?
