Which main character are you.?

So foodie dishes dishes checked diff foster dishes curry ridiculous tsunamis cut character gucci unusual DM em an am DM em em yours dove Hans banana breaks cracks Chana banana e band

Specimens Ali leveling chickens t uncut churches circled black Lu coral k Danish clay coaches clad builder collects decked circles ugly tunic Buford count iconic unicorn uncircumcised unconvincing

Created by: TheButler
  1. Pick a activity to do
  2. Pick a actor
  3. Pick a body part to have amputated
  4. Choose a strength you wish you had
  5. Choose a youtuber or streamer
  6. What’s ya eye color
  7. Pick a book
  8. Pick a food
  9. Pick a side character
  10. Pick an animal

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Quiz topic: Which main character am I.?
