Which main android are you?

Today you will do a test for which Detroit:Become Human character are you. You can only be Android/Deviant Connor, Markus or Kara. Please and have fun.

Sorry but you can't be North, Josh, Simon, Alice, Luther or Hank because you can't control those characters in the game. But I could make another for side characters. Thank you

Created by: Tayshaun
  1. What is your age?
  2. Gender?
  3. You see an android for help. What do you do?
  4. Which association are you in?
  5. If you were Connor and you had a choice to become deviant or remain an android, what would you pick?
  6. If you were Markus, what would you do to win your freedom?
  7. Who is your favorite sidekick?
  8. Chase deviant or Save partner
  9. Did you like the quiz? No effect
  10. Which one do you want?

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Quiz topic: Which main android am I?
