Which made-up WoF character are you?

Hello, and welcome. I didn't put all of the tribes on here, and don't judge the drawings, I'm not the best drawer. Thank you for taking this. I'm happy to make these.

Also, If you are taking this after book fourteen has already come out, please note that it hasn't came out when this quiz was made. I loved making this even though it takes a lot of time.

Created by: Maymay Unipuppy
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What would you say is your most prominent trait?
  3. You stumble into a cute Nightwing. What do you do?
  4. Your queen asks you to go to jade mountain academy. What do you do?
  5. Do you like this quiz so far?
  6. What's your favorite food?
  7. How do feel about love?
  8. What is your worst trait?
  9. What's your best trait?
  10. What tribe do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: Which made-up WoF character am I?

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