Which Looney Tunes: The G1 Dog are you?

Dogs are Planes and also they are fast and nice and also, who are you mostly like for a cartoon dog? Take this survey and see who fits your personality for a transformers and looney tunes fan?

Who are you and what are you? Do you like dogs? This survey is perfect for you!!!!! =D You can be a cartoon dog and also take it and see who you mostly are?

Created by: Hasbro/WB
  1. What dog breed do you like?
  2. What plane do you like the most?
  3. What color do you mostly like?
  4. What animal you don't like the most?
  5. What is your second favorite color?
  6. Do you like Snoopy?
  7. Do you know Leggy Lamb?
  8. Do you like Jeffy or Annoying Orange?
  9. Are you mistaken for a Decepticon?
  10. Last Question... who do you expect to get? (Won't change your answer).

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Quiz topic: Which Looney Tunes: The G1 Dog am I?

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