Which Long After the End Character are you?

I made this in 40 minutes don't take it seriously but these are 100% accurate results. Who would you be in Long After the End? Pestle? Cherie? Mayple? Claudia? Keone?

Yeah, it's only four of the girls right now. Look, there are many characters and one can only keep track of so many. Five gOrls, deal with it. Also have fun.

Created by: Ka
  1. How loyal are you to your faction?
  2. Favorite food?
  3. You need to go into a heavily guarded room and avoid detection. What do you do?
  4. What's your favorite tabletop game?
  5. What do you think of Finch?
  6. I need to fill out 10 questions. Oh boy.
  7. Pick an energy:
  8. Pick an element:
  9. What's your Hogwarts house?
  10. Do you think the factions should get along?

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Quiz topic: Which Long After the End Character am I?
