Which Lolan Region are you from?
Insert randomness here: sfynvb\sggvnb\nsgtvfb\ksnbvfy\TIWDBGtsgtbtfkdgf\zfg\hdgf\ghfhg\hgh\ghgghgh\ghddgh\ghg\g\sgdhhhvbngbv..v/vjvhvhvnvhxdnygtyrnrgvvkzuyusutgnzustgzusegtuystyggnvngvngnvgnvgngvngvgnnvgnvnvnnvnvnvnnvnvcjnhfhfhfhfhhfhxjjdhghfhjhgfxhgxghhghjgh
In my upcoming story, "Elementals of Lolan" there are four regions. This quiz is designed to calculate which one you'd belong to. Are you a sporty Rikonian like D'mar, a wtaer loving Kairanian like Xin, or maybe a firey urban Lasaimian? Only one way to find out!