which living dead doll are you (girls only)

hi this is my quiz it is about living dead dolls or ldds.there are 4 possible results. posey.lulu.dawn and frozen charlotte. it is short but i hope you enjoy

cat fred mario viking ldd awesomeness planets camp flashlight people fat cartoon butt village happy specail bunny love hate shapes drugs are bad also michale jackson goes 2 mah school cool sink bear dog pop

Created by: rini

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. fave color?
  2. Fave food?
  3. Fave song (out o theese)
  4. do you obey the rules
  5. are you easly pesssured
  6. do you leave your home and no one no's where yore going
  7. age(which one is closer)
  8. scaryest way 2 die out of the folowing
  9. sign
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Which living dead doll am I (girls only)