Which Little Britain character are you ?

Little Britain, is a sketch show created by Matt Lucas and David Walliams. It is hilarious and the characters are funny. My faveroites are fake disabled Andy Pipkin, and Bubbles DeVere.

So which Little Britain character are you ? Are you the fake disabled Andy ? The stripper, Bubbles DeVere ? Maybe that weird Ting Tong, who lies to her husband. Well answer these questions, and find out.

Created by: Chester Cogley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your faveroite thing to eat / drink ?
  2. How would you describe yourself ?
  3. You think your ugwy don't you ?
  4. What is your faveroite thing do to in your spare time ?
  5. Which people do you fancy ?
  6. Do you have any gross habits ?
  7. Where is your faveroite place to go abroad ?
  8. Are you a member of LGBT ?
  9. What is your weight ?
  10. What was the best day of your life ?
  11. What is your faveroite catchphrase ?

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Quiz topic: Which Little Britain character am I ?