Which Lion Guard Am I Most Like?

Thank you for taking my quiz. Hafe you ever watch the movie of the lion gard and wonder wicht won you are?? This is a quis that tel's you whicht one you are.

I am not a mind reeder but I know the basieck stuf. I really hope you injoy this Quiz and that you will tel your friends about it. In joy...

Created by: Cindy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like thing that is vast of do you Going vast??
  2. Are you strong??
  3. Are you brave??
  4. Do you spot things easy??
  5. Do you belief in yourself??
  6. Wich animal is your favourite.
  7. Are you a natuer lover?
  8. Are you crazy??
  9. Will you ever say unbongalieveble.
  10. Are you adventoures?

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