Which Lin-Quay robot are you?

If you've played Mortal Kombat (2011) then you know about the "cyber Lin-Quay" this includes Cyber Sub-Zero, Cyrax, and Sektor. These robots have very diferent personalities.

But which one are YOU? Are you Cyber Sub-Zero, Cyrax, or Sektor? By taking this quiz you will be able to find out Which Cyber Lin-Quay Ninja Are You?!

Created by: Lin-Bot
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you honorable?
  2. What is your power and strength level?
  3. Do you need help in a battle?
  4. What is your weapon?
  5. Do you like robots?
  6. Do you use GoToQuiz.com often
  7. Do you like kombat?
  8. Are you krazy. (hyper active(ADD,ADHD))
  9. Who is your favorite
  10. Last question are you happy?

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Quiz topic: Which Lin-Quay robot am I?