Which Lifetime Movie Are You?

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Lifetime Movie Network. Who does not have a fondness for a good television movie, or a really really bad one. So sit back and channel your inner Tracey Gold and find out which Lifetime Movie you are.

12 easy questions that will determine whether you are more of a "I Want My Baby!" movie or a "Woman Scorned" or a "Save My Daughter" one. Tears, diseases, infidelities, and righteous indignation are all yours to be had on the LMN.

Created by: Brittney

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Someone has wronged you. How forgiving are you?
  2. Which Lifetime movie alum would you rather have lunch with?
  3. Choose your method of death.
  4. Which movie plot appeals most to you?
  5. With which of the following would you LEAST enjoy spending an afternoon ?
  6. Which of these quotes sounds the most like you?
  7. Choose your comfort food.
  8. Who is your favorite actor from this list?
  9. Pick a song.
  10. Favorite plot element.

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Quiz topic: Which Lifetime Movie am I?