Which legendary Pokmon are you

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This is the quiz to find which Legendary Pokèmon Lets see which Pokèmon you get. lets compare their power and see who is strongest of all. Stay tuned to find out

Here you will have to answer some questions to see which Pokèmon are you. You should give honest answers to get the actual result. Where you can find your favourite Pokémon.

Created by: Lion Roar
  1. What is your favourite taste?
  2. Which is your favourite pokegirl
  3. What is your favourite element?
  4. Who is the most powerful Pokemon?
  5. What is your favourite type
  6. Who fought Deoxys.
  7. Who controlled almost all the legendaries
  8. Who fought kyogre and Groudon?
  9. Who controls Anti-Matter
  10. Who is the master of the Creation trio
  11. Btw who is your favourite legendary. (Dosen't affect your result)

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Quiz topic: Which legendary Pokmon am I
