Which legend of zelda character are you

Some people like to be adventurous and go explore the outside world.They like to make everybody safe and out of danger from other mean people.

Do you like to go outside and explore everything outside that you can find just take this quiz to find out who you are most like out of the people given in this quiz.

Created by: Joshua
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you want to do the most
  2. what is your favorite color
  3. what do you do for fun
  4. when you get to your house what do you want to the most
  5. how do you dress
  6. if you had to what would you use as a weapon(not all of these are real)
  7. were would you like to be the most
  8. what would you as a long range weapon
  9. what would you rather have on your head
  10. which color do you like the least

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Quiz topic: Which legend of zelda character am I