Which League of Legends pokemon are you?

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This quiz will accurately tell you which league of legends new preseason jungle pokemon you are. There are 3 types:Frog, Fox and Wolf. Depending on your answers we'll be able to pinpoint exactly which one you are.

Sed risus tortor, mattis nec auctor tempor, porta eu nulla. Morbi lorem diam, pretium id aliquet id, iaculis quis libero. Aenean quis nibh massa. Pellentesque faucibus sit amet diam id scelerisque. Curabitur sit amet est rutrum, sodales leo non, commodo nulla. Praesent et nulla dui. Vestibulum ultricies semper neque vel pretium. Suspendisse elit elit, sollicitudin ac sem vulputate, interdum fermentum elit. Etiam eleifend, est sagittis elementum rhoncus, tellus arcu facilisis quam, ut mattis arcu nibh non justo. Pellentesque suscipit vel turpis sed laoreet. Nam vehicula, urna ut pellentesque cursus, velit ligula tempor risus, et tincidunt erat justo ut erat. Etiam pharetra est euismod, maximus nibh id, varius nisi. Cras tincidunt ex auctor tellus pellentesque cursus. Mauris ullamcorper eros in magna condimentum placerat.

Created by: IDANREAL
  1. Which is your favorite color?
  2. Imagine one of your teammates in an aram match has the following kda (5/12/9). What do you do?
  3. You're at a restaurant, being offered the following options? Which would you pick?
  4. Imagine you must travel across the ocean, and the only way to do so are the following options. Which would you pick?
  5. Imagine you're trying to catch a lolicon, and you must turn them in in order to clear your name. What do you do?
  6. Which effects do you think are the coolest?
  7. Morpheus offers you two pills. A red pill and a blue pill. Which do you take?
  8. Imagine you are stuck on an deserted island. What do you do?
  9. You just lost your 50th game in a row. What do you do?
  10. What is the answer to the following equation?F + R + O + G = ?

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Quiz topic: Which League of Legends pokemon am I?
