Which Leading Lady are You?

There are many female main characters in books, films and plays today. Some of them are primarily concerned about romance, while others' stories are based on their thirst for adventure, or their need to start a rebellion in a horrific world.

So which are you? Are you smart, like Hermione? Or a romantic like Bella? Out of everything from Hunger Games to Narnia to Romeo and Juliet, which Leading Lady are you?

Created by: Ims

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are walking down the street when you see a row of houses on fire. You then notice several terrorist planes flying away ...
  2. Your spouse goes missing for several years. One day, you find his/her body, covered in blood, lying on the street ...
  3. You're at a cafe and a stranger comes up to you. She apologises, hands over a wad of fifty pound notes, and reminds you not to tell anyone. Then she runs away ...
  4. Which do you prefer ...
  5. Which is you favourite ...
  6. What do you do more often ...
  7. Do you identify with ...
  8. Which plant do you prefer ...
  9. Which weather do you prefer?
  10. And finally ... how would you describe your ideal friend?

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Quiz topic: Which Leading Lady am I?