Which laptop is the best for you...

Do you want a laptop. Do you want to know which laptop is for you? Between four laptops that are widely used, This quiz will choose the one for you with a series of simple questions.

Do you want a laptop. Do you want to know which laptop is for you? Between four laptops that are widely used, This quiz will choose the one for you with a series of simple questions.

Created by: Pranav

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What colour do you like?
  2. Do you travel a lot?
  3. Do you play games alot?
  4. What do you like better?
  5. Do you like alot of features like usb ports, hdmi ports, sd card ports and stuff like that?
  6. Are you very responsible of taking care of your things.
  7. Do you think the number pad on the right of the keyboard is necessary?
  8. What sounds the coolest?
  9. Do you like a laptop with alot of shortcuts and features or a simple and decent laptop?
  10. Pick one

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