Which Lab Rats Elite Force team member are you?

Are you a Lab Rats, Mighty Med and Lab Rats Elite Force fan and want to know who you're like? Then this quiz is for you..Results are about 90% accurate.

Figure out if you're Chase the brain, Bree the athlete, Oliver the funny, Skylar the alien or Kaz the jealous. Take this quiz and find out as the results are about 90% accurate.

Created by: LitterKitter1078
  1. Your friends would describe you as:
  2. Your hobby?
  3. Who would you rather date from Lab Rats Elite Force?
  4. What is your favorite song out of these below?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. Who is your favorite celebrity?
  7. Are you a Harry Potter fan?
  8. What superpower would you like to have?
  9. What would you do on a weekend away from your family?
  10. What would you name yourself if your name wasn't your name?

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Quiz topic: Which Lab Rats Elite Force team member am I?
