Which KOTLC Character Should Be Your Boyfriend?

Hey Girls! Me and my friend were bored so we decided it would be fun to do this little quiz. We hope this helps you feel a little less bored since we know there's not much to do during the pandemic.

We love keeper of the lost cities and we hope you do too. Btw this is a GIRLS ONLY quiz. This will also probably help narrow things down at your winnowing gala ;)

Created by: SeriousDog
  1. Which word describes you best?
  2. What would you like to do this weekend?
  3. Which pet would you rather have?
  4. Fave color?
  5. Which type are you?
  6. Books or movies?
  7. Where would you like to go on vacay?
  8. Which sport? (or game)
  9. Clothing style?
  10. What house would you like to live in?
  11. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which KOTLC Character Should Be my Boyfriend?
