Which kotlc ability do you have (QUIZ)

Hello do you want to be a kotlc elf. Well now you can figure out what ability you have. This quiz is all by chance except for 3 of the questions so I hope you like it.

I have a character necessity on this so I’m just gonna put random letters here check jhhgVkjnlkjoijlkjoiokjlkmlkmlkmkmpl,pl,plkoniugftfdresrestdcgnkkm,l,l,,ok!?lljub*ydtffuygihihbijbhicfcgguhjhjjknjjnjbggvghbjhbugcgydtdsewaewartdfds

Created by: Yoyoyo
  1. In the Elven world abilities are left to chance. That’s what we’re going to do pick 1 if you want to pick different ones press other there are more on the next question
  2. Continued
  3. More chance
  4. More continued
  5. Pick and choose
  6. Pick and choose continued
  7. Favorite colour (btw / means “or”) out of these
  8. Yes or no
  9. Letters your parents name starts with
  10. What letter does your name start with
  11. Are you human
  12. Are you an Elf

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Quiz topic: Which kotlc ability do I have (QUIZ)
