Which Kirby Are You

this is random and i care of randomess and i dont know anything but typing about kirby stuff until you will learn kirby powers and this will reach my top goal and keep putting spaces

this is kirby of the stars i just barely watch my tv show i like kirby right back at ya im just randomly typing so i can reach my top goal of the flamin hot cheetos

Created by: sdfsdfdfsdfs
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Do You Do When You See A Enenmy
  2. Who Are Your Friends
  3. What Kirby Abilities Do You Know
  4. Are You Meta Knights Friend
  5. What Do You Eat
  6. Where Was Kirby From
  7. How Much Do You Know About Kirby
  8. Do You Think You Pass
  9. Bye
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which Kirby am I