Which Kind of Fart Do You Have?

This quiz will show you the type of fart you truly have! Don't give up on your farts! They are a good part of life and angellicas christmas miracles!!

i ate a duck fart yummy poopy diarrhea toot BIGGGGGGGG fart with juicy worms guts inside of it's turds and clothing line is on my hair and dog is poo in yard

Created by: Jessica and Brenda
  1. Which word makes you feel disgusted?
  2. Are you shy?
  3. Pick one of the following phrases:
  4. Are you in a squad?
  5. Which do you prefer?
  7. Which is better?
  8. Do you fart in your bath tub?
  9. Approximately how many children are hidden in your basement?
  10. Did Brenda or Jessica steal my Book! >:(

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Quiz topic: Which Kind of Fart do I Have?

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