Which Julia Are You?

Hello julia, and welcome once again to my quiz. I've severed your personality into different segments, and now you can best determine which you fit most closely with at any given moment.

I'm curious to see if you think I left any categories out, and how you perceive the questions to transfer to the different portions of your personalities.

Created by: izzypayne166
  1. What is your most prized possession
  2. You see a spilled jamba juice in the middle of your dorm floor.. you know who it was..... j u l i a. How do you react?
  3. It's Friday: you just finished your second chem test, but you have a group project due in a week. How do you spend the rest of the day?
  4. Let's say Izzy's complaining about her sore throat, do you...
  5. Let's say you're stranded on a deserted island. It's a tropical climate, with lot's of trees and food resources, who would you rather be with (the only other person there)
  6. You're in izzy's room when grace comes home, making an annoyed comment about your presence. What do you do?
  7. You're finally at izzy's house to do some fall activities, but you took to long to leave temple, and now you only have enough time to do one thing.. what is it?
  8. You got noticed by Taylor Swift at her Lover festival & can come backstage!!! But she says you have to sacrifice one part of your life before she gives you the opportunity (to prove your worth). You give up...
  9. Mo made out with another guy and wants help figuring out who he is; she assigns this task to you, how deep do you go?
  10. As your 10th and final question: how mentally old would you consider yourself?

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Quiz topic: Which Julia am I?
