Which job are you most likely to have?

There are so many jobs, there are a couple of them in this quiz!! This quiz could help you choose your job! If you don't like the job you get, maybe you will like a job in that category☺️ GOOD LUCK!

Wanna find out what job are you most likely to get? {Maybe not the exact same but in the same category} TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT YOUR RESULTS!!!!! Good luck👍

Created by: iluaratbtabaf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 👭are you social👬 {like to hang out with people}
  2. 😒Are you curious or dramatic? 💁
  3. What to you do in your free time?
  4. What is your favourite place to visit?
  5. What is your fashion sense?
  6. What do you like to watch on TV?
  7. Who do you want to be like!?
  8. Are you shy?
  9. What do you wanna be when your older?
  10. This quiz was more for girls, what do you think about that?

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Quiz topic: Which job am I most likely to have?