Which Jayden OC Are You

have you ever wondered: which of jaydens ocs am i? well guess what: now you can find out. all you gotta do is take this quiz jesus how many more characters am i required to type

disclaimer, this quiz does not include any cody ocs (EXAMPLES: sheriff, david, tony, etc) this quiz is jayden ocs only, sorry to dissappoint but maybe ill make another quiz later

Created by: JAYDEN
  1. If you could time travel to any time, where would you go?
  2. What do you like to do for fun?
  3. Are you any good at art?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. What’s your opinion on technology?
  6. What makes you angriest?
  7. How easily do you give up?
  8. Ghosts?
  9. Would you ever want to be famous?
  10. If you went to jail what would it be for?
  11. What is most important to you?
  12. What’s your favorite movie genre?
  13. Did you have an emo phase?
  14. Do you consider yourself smart?
  15. How often do you f--- things up?
  16. What is your alignment?
  17. What is your favorite animal? (Very important question)

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Quiz topic: Which Jayden OC am I
